Our Role

The Dignity Forum has a role to play as a catalyst for improving human rights protections in Alberta. To effect structural-level change, the dignity Forum will work on the following priorities:



To function effectively, human rights commissions require independence in law, membership, operations and policy, with sufficient control of funding resources. They also require independence from government in order to facilitate flexibility in determining priorities, speaking out on human rights-related matters and taking a strong stance, even when critical of government.

Human rights commissions should prioritize community engagement, education and advocacy activities, with emphasis on addressing the systemic causes of inequities. Specifically, it is imperative that the Alberta Human Rights Commission focuses on these activities, in addition to complaint resolution, to protect its important role in structural and systemic change.  Without clear demarcation, complaint resolution inevitably competes with and diverts resources from community engagement, education and advocacy.



Meaningful community-driven advocacy work and public exposure are necessary to shed light on the structural causes of inequities and discrimination. We will support and work with other groups, organizations and leaders in the sector of human rights to take action.



Human rights must be an integral part of the provincial education system. By integrating human rights into the K-12 curriculum, which is currently under review, and ensuring the necessary training and support is available, the Dignity Forum will act as a catalyst in strengthening the presence of human rights education in Alberta schools.